Vol 18, No 4 (2022)

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5.1/5.1.4 Criminal Law Sciences (Law Sciences)

Criminal liability for the sale of narcotic drugs or psychotropic substances using electronic or information and telecommunication networks

Larina L.Y.


Subject of research: the norms of the Russian criminal law regulating responsibility for the sale of narcotic drugs, psychotropic substances and their analogues using mass media or electronic or information and telecommunication networks (including the Internet), as well as the practice of their application and scientific works in this field.

Purpose of research: to develop scientifically sound proposals for improving the legislative regulation of the qualifying attribute provided for in paragraph «b» of Part 2 of Article 228.1 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, and the practice of its application.

Methods and objects of research: the methodological basis of the research is formed by the universal dialectical method of cognition, the formal legal method, as well as methods of analysis, synthesis and modeling. The object of the study is the social relations that develop regarding the criminal law regulation and application of the norms on liability for the sale of narcotic drugs, psychotropic substances and their analogues using mass media or electronic or information and telecommunication networks (including the Internet).

Main results of research: author comes to the conclusion that it is impossible to commit actions that constitute the sale of narcotic drugs, psychotropic substances or their analogues exclusively using information and telecommunication networks. The key factors influencing the increase in the public danger of the sale of narcotic drugs, psychotropic substances and their analogues are identified, to which the author refers: the use of information and telecommunication networks for the transmission of information (communication) during marketing, as well as the preservation of the confidentiality of communication (anonymity or the use of pseudonyms). The author proposes to abandon the use of the term «electronic networks» and to change the wording of the qualifying feature under consideration.

Yugra State University Bulletin. 2022;18(4):11-19
pages 11-19 views

The crisis of criminal punishment: the state and conditioning

Melyukhanova E.E.


Subject of research: the institution of criminal punishment, the state of which is often assessed as a crisis. The debatable nature of the issue of the crisis of criminal punishment generates diametrically opposite judgments about the presence of a crisis, or about its absence.

Purpose of research: to determine the presence or absence of a state of crisis of criminal punishment, as well as the conditionality of the existence of discussions about the crisis of criminal punishment.

Methods and objects of research: the dialectical method of cognition of socio-legal phenomena is used as the methodological basis of the study. General scientific methods of cognition (analysis, synthesis), private scientific (formal-logical, epistemological) were used.

Main results of research: In conclusion, the author comes to the conclusion that close attention should be paid not to the search for alternatives to criminal punishment, but to the problems of its use (appointment and execution of punishment). The establishment of the rules of sentencing corresponding to modern realities will ensure an increase in its effectiveness, uniformity of law enforcement practice and will contribute to overcoming the so-called "punishment crisis".

Yugra State University Bulletin. 2022;18(4):20-24
pages 20-24 views

Critical assessment of new particularly qualifying signs of crimes against sexual inviolability of minors (Part 5 of Articles 131, 132 and Part 3 of Article 133 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation)

Pantyuhina I.V.


Subject of research: the particularly qualifying signs of violent sexual crimes included in Articles 131, 132 and 133 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation in 2022, which are aimed at protecting the sexual integrity of minors.

Purpose of research: to analyze the content of new particularly qualifying signs of sexual crimes, their consistency with each other, validity and necessity of inclusion in the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation.

Methods and objects of research: the work uses the general scientific dialectical method of cognition and private scientific methods, such as analysis, linguistic, comparative legal, statistical, formal and logical. The method of analysis was used in the study of the content of particularly qualifying signs of sexual crimes. Linguistic – when interpreting the wording of the norm provided for in Part 5 of Articles 131 and 132 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation. Comparative legal – when comparing the content of the sign of a special relapse contained in Articles 131 and 132 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation and in Articles 134 and 135 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation. Statistical – when processing indicators about the number of convicts for forcing minors to sexual acts. Formal-logical – in the disclosure of concepts and categories used in the formulations of the investigated signs of crimes and the presentation of proposals to change the design of Part 5 of Articles 131 and 132 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation.

Main results of research: based on the analysis of the content of the signs regulated in Part 5 of Articles 131 and 132 and Part 3 of Article 133 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, the author identified technical and substantive flaws in their designs, inconsistency of some of the new signs with similar signs of other sexual crimes against minors. To eliminate the identified shortcomings of the studied norms, it is necessary to replace the wording of Part 5 of Articles 131 and 132 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation with an indication in it of an act committed against a minor, without references to other parts of these articles, from paragraph "b" " the same part of these articles should exclude an indication of a minor victim, from paragraph "c" remove the indication of the type of crimes against the person. In Part 3 of Article 133 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, it is necessary to exclude the signs provided for in paragraphs "a" and "b", and in Part 6 of Article 134 and Part 5 of Article 135 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, increased responsibility for the special recidivism of crimes established in them should be extended to all victims of these crimes.

Yugra State University Bulletin. 2022;18(4):25-32
pages 25-32 views

Criminal legal characteristics of public dissemination of knownly false information about the use of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, the execution by state authorities of the Russian Federation of their powers

Rodionov A.I.


Subject of research: the norms that provide for criminal liability for the public dissemination of knowingly false information about the use of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, the exercise of their powers by state authorities of the Russian Federation.

Purpose of research: to analyze the legislative structures of the main, qualified and especially qualified offenses under Art. 207.3 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, identify the shortcomings of the regulation of this norm and propose ways to eliminate them.

Methods and objects of research: the methodological basis of the study was the systematic method, analysis and synthesis, the formal legal method.

Main results of research: on the basis of the study, a criminal-legal characteristic of the offenses under Art. 207.3 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation. The failure of the placement of the norm in question in the structure of the Special Part of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation is noted; its insufficient preventive capacity due to the limited range of information constituting the subject of the crime; some errors in legal technique. Based on the results of the study, a new version of Art. 207.3 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation.

Yugra State University Bulletin. 2022;18(4):33-43
pages 33-43 views

Public danger and criminalization in the system of security measures

Khilyuta V.V.


Subject of research: the article deals with the issue of the essence of public danger and its significance in the process of criminalization of public relations. The vectors of criminalization development are outlined.

Purpose of research: to determine the criteria for criminalization of public relations in the system of measures of criminal legal influence in the structure of criminal law and the prospects for their further improvement.

Methods and objects of research: the study used traditional methods of socio-legal and formal dogmatic analysis: documentary, historical and legal, analytical, systematic, logical.

Main results of research: according to the results of the study, the author states that the criminal law of the classical type is being replaced by the criminal law of the utilitarian type, where the concept of crime is associated with causing harm, and public danger plays an auxiliary function. In the system of security measures, the public danger of an act does not form a criminal law prohibition. Criminalization is based on the element of expediency. The transformation of the subject and method of criminal law leads to the fact that the idea of security, which currently dominates the criminalization of public relations, determines the construction of preventive criminal law.

Yugra State University Bulletin. 2022;18(4):44-50
pages 44-50 views

New materials and technology

Development of glue-free composite material based on plant raw materials

Ananyina I.V., Kablukov D.M.


Objects of research: composite materials obtained by chemical modification of the plant base using glueless technology in the sintering process.

Purpose of research: to develop a method for obtaining board materials based on plant raw materials with increased mechanical strength characteristics and exploitative properties.

Methods of research: by hot press molding technology in the presence of crosslinking chemicals (urea, benzylchloride, basic cupric carbonate) were obtained board materials with high fracture strength and increased fire safety.

Main results of research: obtained materials can be used for construction purposes and as a replacement for flakeboard and fiberboard.

Yugra State University Bulletin. 2022;18(4):53-58
pages 53-58 views

Influence of temperature and time modes of polymer pipes welding at low temperatures on the structure and properties of materials of compounds. Part I. Calculation of the heat process

Nikolaeva M.A., Danzanova E.V., Starostin N.P.


Subject of research: thermal process of welding PE100 saddle branches to polyethylene pipes of existing gas pipelines at low temperatures.

Purpose of research: development of an effective method for welding saddle branches to polyethylene pipes of gas pipelines at ambient temperatures up to minus 50 °C based on thermal process control by introducing preheating into the technological process with subsequent cooling to equalize the temperature and cool the joint under a layer of thermal insulation material of calculated thickness.

Methods and objects of research: in the first part of the work, the object of study is the non-stationary thermal process of welding. The mathematical model of the thermal process takes into account the heat of the phase transformation of polyethylene in the temperature range, the dependence of thermophysical characteristics on temperature and the degree of crystallinity of the material.

Main results of research: calculations have determined the welding parameters of the saddle branch, which ensure the flow of the thermal process according to the regularity inherent in welding under conditions of permissible ambient temperature. It is expected that the control of the thermal process will make it possible to obtain a structure of the welded joint material that ensures the strength of the seam corresponding to the strength of the seam obtained by welding under conditions of acceptable temperatures.

Yugra State University Bulletin. 2022;18(4):59-67
pages 59-67 views

Changes in the physical and mechanical properties of aluminum depending on the composition of the alloying elements

Snitovsky Y.P.


Subject of research: the influence of the concentration and composition of alloying elements Mn, Ti, Cr, Y, Mo, W, V on the change in the aluminum recrystallization temperature.

Purpose of research: to find the optimal concentration of alloying additives, at which the recrystallization temperature reaches its maximum value.

Methods and objects of research: using the methods of thermodynamic analysis of binary state diagrams of aluminum with alloying additives, it has been established that the nature of the change in the recrystallization temperature depends on what type of eutectic or peritectic reaction the formation of intermetallic compounds belongs to. It is shown that aluminides act as alloy modifiers and impart high mechanical properties to products.

Main results of research: it was found that for the Al–Mn system, the optimal content of Mn should be considered 0.2%, for the Al–Cr system, the maximum increase in the Al recrystallization temperature is observed at 0.6% Cr, for the Al–Y system, the mechanical properties of Al at elevated temperatures maximum at 1% Y.

Yugra State University Bulletin. 2022;18(4):68-76
pages 68-76 views

Measurement of residual stresses after vibroimpulsive hardening of specimen

Galimov E.R., Tyurin A.V.


Subject of research: technique for determining residual stresses of the first kind, in samples that are cut from the spar after vibration shock hardening.

Purpose of research: to increase the accuracy, as well as to improve the methodology for determining residual stresses.

Methods and objects of research: the object of the study is residual stresses and the algorithm of their processing. The study used a modified order of approximation of data obtained from sensors.

Main results of research: a new algorithm for processing experimental data is presented, which allows us to obtain more advanced results of studies of residual stresses in samples. A mathematical model of data processing has been developed to implement the algorithm. This mathematical model for determining residual stresses in the structure has a modified order of approximation of data obtained from sensors. Approximation by a polynomial of the sixth degree occurs before the plot is calculated and constructed, and not after its construction and subsequent smoothing, as was implemented earlier. This technical solution contributes to improving the accuracy and correctness of studies for determining residual stresses.

Yugra State University Bulletin. 2022;18(4):77-82
pages 77-82 views

2.4/2.4.3 Power Industry (Technical Sciences)

Determination of a damaged connection in single-phase earth fault

Vladimirov L.V.


Subject of research: single-phase earth faults in electrical networks of medium voltage class.

Purpose of resarch: the development of a simulation model for the analysis of transient processes that occur during a "metallic" single-phase earth fault in a 35 kV electrical network.

Object of  research: distribution electrical networks 6-35 kV operating in isolated neutral mode.

Main results of research: a simulation model was developed in the Matlab Simulink environment, which makes it possible to analyze the oscillograms of currents and voltages during a single-phase earth fault in networks with an isolated neutral. A method for determining the outgoing line with an earth fault is presented, based on the superimposition of non-power frequency currents. The source frequency is determined based on the condition for the occurrence of a resonant mode. Oscillograms are presented, from which it follows that the current in the damaged phase increases by more than 2 times, which makes it possible to selectively determine the damaged connection.

Yugra State University Bulletin. 2022;18(4):85-92
pages 85-92 views

On some operating modes of a submersible induction electric motor

Kovalev V.Z., Balyklov E.S., Husainov E.I.


Object of research: induction submersible electric motor as a part of electric drive centrifugal pump.

Subject of the research: non-nominal operation modes of induction submersible electric motors, including modes of wedging.

Purpose of research: creation of research methodology of operation of induction submersible electric motors at non-nominal modes of operation, including variation of frequency of feeding voltage and its magnitude.

Methods of research: theory of electromechanical transformation of energy, digital modeling, statistical data processing, methods designing of experiments.

Main results of research: the relevance of submersible electric motors research in non-nominal conditions is substantiated; the technique of asynchronous submersible electric motors operation research in non-nominal operating modes is built; the proposed technique is tested on the example of the ESP unit wedging mode.

Yugra State University Bulletin. 2022;18(4):93-102
pages 93-102 views

1.2/1.2.2 Mathematical Modeling and Information Technology (Technical Sciences)

Construction of quite interpretable non-elementary linear regression models

Bazilevskiy M.P.


Subject of research: mixed-integer 0-1 linear programming problem for choosing optimal structures for non-elementary linear regression models.

Purpose of research: integrate into the mixed-integer 0-1 linear programming problem additional constraints that will guarantee the construction of quite interpretable non-elementary linear regressions.

Methods of research: regression analysis, mathematical programming, method of successive increase the absolute contributions of variables to the general determination.

Object of research: non-elementary linear regression models.

Main results of research: in the mixed-integer 0-1 linear programming problem, designed to construct non-elementary regressions, additional linear constraints on the absolute contributions of variables to the general determination are integrated, allowing you to control both the contributions themselves and multicollinearity in the model. It is shown how it is necessary to regulate these constraints so that the non-elementary linear regression obtained as a result of solving the problem is quite interpretable. The proposed mathematical apparatus was used to model railroad freight transportation in the Tyumen region. An interpretation of the obtained high-precision and quite interpretable non-elementary linear regression is given.

Yugra State University Bulletin. 2022;18(4):105-114
pages 105-114 views

Identification of parameters of a combined piece-linear regression model

Noskov S.I.


Subject of research: the problem of estimating the parameters of a combined piecewise linear regression model.

Purpose of research: to apply the apparatus of linear Boolean programming to identify its parameters.

Methods and objects of research: the object of research is a set of indicators of inventive activity in the Russian Federation, the methods are regression analysis and mathematical programming.

Main results of research: an approach to estimating the parameters of a combined piecewise linear regression model by using the method of least modules is described, which makes it possible to reduce this problem to a linear Boolean programming problem. A combined piecewise linear model of inventive activity in the Russian Federation has been constructed, which can be used in various analytical and predictive calculations. The output variable of the model is the number of patent applications, and the input variable is the volume of gross domestic product, the number of graduate students and teaching staff.

Yugra State University Bulletin. 2022;18(4):115-119
pages 115-119 views

Application of genetic algorithms to optimize solution of filtering and prediction problems in dynamic program testing systems

Polukhin P.V.


Subject of research: probabilistic time models of testing created to form complex stochastic connections between individual test elements and developed to detect certain groups of the web applications program errors.

The purpose of research: substantiate the possibility of using genetic algorithms in the process of solving probabilistic testing problems based on a multi-particle filter and evaluate their effectiveness. The study provides fundamental methods to improve the accuracy of the posterior distribution of probabilistic testing models and the total number of matched with evidences samples.

Methods and objects of research: object of the research is to solve filtering and smoothing problems for a probabilistic test model based on a multi-particle filter. Methods and algorithms based on the Monte Carlo method are presented, allowing, in combination with genetic algorithms, to increase the accuracy of obtaining posterior estimates of samples. This approach allows you to narrow the range of samples, as well as increase their consistency. The formation of each next sample will be carried out taking into account the previous ones through the use of crossover and mutation operations.

The main results of research: as a result, the validity of the proposed approaches to solving filtration and prediction problems in the process of implementing testing procedures based on multi-particle filter algorithms and genetic algorithms was proved. The given practical results prove the constructiveness and scientific validity of the proposed methods and algorithms for solving web applications testing problems.

Yugra State University Bulletin. 2022;18(4):120-132
pages 120-132 views

Algorithm for interpreting a full-scale experiment on a special-purpose communications network segment

Popov A.V.


Subject of research: the possibility of using the relationship revealed in the course of the field experiment between performance indicators and conflict assessments of organizational and technical systems on the example of the communication network to determine the degree of conflict of their states.

The purpose of research: the need to develop methods that allow us to classify the systems under study according to the degree of conflict, based on the indicators of their effectiveness.

Objects of research: mathematical models of the special-purpose communication network, taking into account the conflict relations between the elements of such organizational and technical systems.

Methods and objects of research: the method of system analysis, coupled with the allocation of types of relations between the elements of the systems under study in terms of conflict theory; the method of field experiment on a special purpose communication network segment, based on which the analysis of the data obtained and the identified dependencies is carried out.

Results of research: descriptive models of states in which such systems with their inherent performance indicators can be found are given; an interpretation algorithm is developed, which includes the knowledge base formed during the field experiment, which revealed the relationship between the performance indicators of systems and estimates of the conflicts of their graph models. An example of the algorithm's work on one of the communication network configurations considered in the course of the full-scale experiment is given, which shows how the classification of the systems' states by the degree of conflict can be performed.

Yugra State University Bulletin. 2022;18(4):133-144
pages 133-144 views

The carbon cycle models analysis as applied to research wetland ecosystems in Western Siberia

Semenov S.P., Tashkin A.O.


Subject of research: global climate processes are directly related to greenhouse gases (greenhouse gases, GHG). The main greenhouse gas in the atmosphere is carbon dioxide, which makes the problem of studying the dynamics of the carbon cycle relevant. Of particular interest is the study of the swamp ecosystems of Western Siberia, since they contain significant carbon reserves.

Purpose of research: the work is devoted to an analytical review and analysis of current publications in the field of modeling the dynamics of the carbon cycle.

Methods and objects of research: the most popular dynamic models reflecting schemes and elements of the global carbon cycle, as well as functional dependencies of carbon consumption and release are considered.

Main results of research: analytical reviews of modern scientific results in the field of mathematical modeling of the carbon cycle scheme are given. There is a proposition of a carbon cycle model, which aimed at studying the dynamics of greenhouse gases in swamp ecosystems of Western Siberia.

Yugra State University Bulletin. 2022;18(4):145-152
pages 145-152 views

Regional and sectoral economics

Analysis of the state of the tourism and recreation sphere of the northern territory and the direction of its sustainable development (on the example of the Nizhnevartovsk Municipal District of the Khanty-Mansiysky Autonomous Region – Yugra)

Esipova S.A., Khromtsova L.S.


Subject of research: the state of the tourist and recreational sphere of the Nizhnevartovsk region of the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug – Yugra.

Purpose of research: to develop promising areas for the sustainable development of the tourism industry in the northern territory in the face of reduced competition from foreign operators and the closure of external destinations.

Methods and objects of research: statistical, comparative, strategic analysis were used as the main methods of scientific research.

Main results of research: the conclusions based on the results of the assessment of the tourist and recreational sphere of the Nizhnevartovsk region are to identify positive aspects and problems of the development of the industry, develop directions for the sustainable development of tourism in the Nizhnevartovsk region: modernize the existing infrastructure (including roadside infrastructure), improve the quality of services provided, stimulate the growth of the number of investment projects in this area; digitalization of the industry, the introduction of new technologies and the promotion of the regional tourism product to the district and interregional market.

Yugra State University Bulletin. 2022;18(4):155-165
pages 155-165 views

The interaction of education, science and business as the basis for the formation of the innovative and entrepreneurial environment of the region

Kalieva O.M., Luzhnova N.V., Chetvergova I.A.


Subject of research: the peculiarities of the interaction of education, science and business in the regional economic system.

Purpose of research: to study the forms of integration of representatives of science, education and business for the effective implementation of innovative development of the regional economy.

Methods and objects of research: the research methods were the logical method, scientific abstraction, monitoring, statistical and comparative analysis.

Main results of research: the authors' scientific approaches to the forms of implementation of integration processes in the field of education, science and business have been studied, the key role of higher education institutions in this interaction has been determined, the analysis of existing innovation infrastructure facilities has been carried out, advantages for interested parties within the framework of integration interaction of representatives of education, science and business have been identified, the need for the formation of scientific and entrepreneurial clusters for improving innovation processes in the region, the directions of interaction between educational institutions of higher education and business representatives for the formation of entrepreneurial competencies among students are proposed.

Yugra State University Bulletin. 2022;18(4):166-173
pages 166-173 views

Forced migrants in the structure of the labor market of the region: employment strategies and prospects

Kolesnik E.A., Polovinko V.S.


Subject of research: employment strategies of forced migrants from Ukraine and their place in the structure of the labor market of the Tyumen region.

Purpose of research: to consider forced migration and their place in the structure of the labor market. A separate group of tasks includes the study of employment strategies and priorities of forced migrants (refugees) from Ukraine who arrived on the territory of the Tyumen region, due to the unfavorable trends in the development of the labor market in the labor market of the region.

Methods and objects of research: analysis of scientific literature, analysis and synthesis, statistical methods, methods of generalization, systematization and grouping.

Main results of research: the results consist in studying the importance of forced migration for the development of the labor market structure of the region, considering the features of labor integration of forced migrants from the territories of Ukraine and the strategic priorities of their employment, as well as forming a number of conclusions based on the values obtained.

Yugra State University Bulletin. 2022;18(4):174-186
pages 174-186 views

The concept of the institute of mentoring at resource-providing enterprises on the example of MP "Vodokanal" of Khanty-Mansiysk

Pluchevskaya E.V., Shereshovets E.V., Aladko O.I.


The article is devoted to the actual problem of the formation and development of the institution of mentoring at resource-providing enterprises in Russia.

Subject of research: institution of mentoring, its models and approaches to the organization of mentoring at resource-providing enterprises in Russia.

Purpose of research: to substantiate the effectiveness and present the results of the implementation of the concept of the Mentoring Institute for resource-providing enterprises on the basis of the resource-providing enterprise MP "Vodokanal" of the city of Khanty-Mansiysk.

Methods and objects of research: in the course of the study, general scientific methods of generalization, analysis and synthesis, observation methods, case studies, methods of structural analysis were used.

Main results of research: the authors attempt to generalize theoretical approaches and practical experience in creating an effective mentoring model in production, present the concept of creating and developing a Mentoring Institute for resource-providing enterprises and the results of approbation of the described mentoring model on the basis of MP Vodokanal in the city of Khanty-Mansiysk.

Yugra State University Bulletin. 2022;18(4):187-195
pages 187-195 views

Current issues of education and psychology

Time perspective and orientation of teachers with different attitudes to time

Dukhnovsky S.V., Prokopyev D.L.


The article with the involvement of empirical data reveals the problem of the temporary organization of the life and activities of teachers.

Subject of research: characteristics of the time perspective and orientation of teachers with time freedom, dependence, infantilism, as types of relation to time.

Purpose of research: peculiarities of the time perspective and orientation of teachers with a different attitude to time.

Methods and objects of research: the respondents were 174 teachers – teachers of secondary schools. They used a psychodiagnostic complex, which includes author's developments – the "Scale of subjective attitude to time" and the "Time" questionnaire, as well as the "Time Perspective Questionnaire" (F. Zimbardo).

Main results of research: it has been established that teachers with temporary infantilism are characterized by a "negative past and orientation towards the future". They are characterized by a harmonious temporal orientation – they strive to move into the future, using the resources of the past, but in the present. Teachers with temporary dependence are distinguished by a "positive past and ascetic present". In a temporary orientation, teachers with this attitude to time are more focused on the future ("live" them) than on the present and past. Teachers with temporary freedom are characterized by a temporary perspective distinguished by a "fatalistic ascetic present with an orientation towards the future". Nevertheless, in a temporary orientation, teachers focus more on the past than on the present and future, trying to use the resources of past experience to develop themselves and their potential.

Yugra State University Bulletin. 2022;18(4):199-205
pages 199-205 views

Mobbing of a school teacher in a modern educational environment

Temnova L.V., Novikova V.S.


Subject of research: the factors and consequences of mobbing against school teachers. To achieve this goal, the methods of in-depth interview and content analysis of domestic film production were used.

Purpose of research: to determine the causes, factors and consequences of mobbing against school teachers.

Methods and objects of research: the empirical basis for the interview method was 25 employees of educational institutions. The empirical base of content analysis of domestic film production was 15 films and TV-series from 1956-2018.

Main results of research: as a result of the article, macro- and micro factors of mobbing against school teachers in the modern educational environment were identified. The first group includes institutional factors reflecting the current stage of education development (the service function of education, the low social status of the teacher, the long-term neglect of the socialization function of education, the introduction of a test system for evaluating schoolchildren, large volumes of accounting documentation). The second group includes socio-psychological and psychological factors ("outdated" models of communication between teachers with experience and students, the psychological climate in the teaching staff (lack of support from colleagues), awareness of the teacher's insecurity, dissatisfaction with professional activities, the "consumer" position of parents, conniving parenting style in the family of a child, low educational motivation of children).

Yugra State University Bulletin. 2022;18(4):206-216
pages 206-216 views

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