Vol 19, No 1 (2023)

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Qualifying signs in the criminal legislationof the Russian Federation: current state

Kemova N.N.


Subject of research: features of the use of qualifying features in criminal law norms.

Purpose of research: to determine universal requirements for qualifying features for their subsequent application in a Special part of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation.

Methods and objects of research: the methodological basis was the dialectical method of scientific cognition. Also, in the course of the research, private scientific methods of cognition used in the humanities were used. For example, when presenting the material, formulating conclusions and research results, methods of formal logic were used. In determining the criteria for the selection of qualifying features, an inductive, deductive method was used. The content analysis method was used in the study of a Special part of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation for compliance with the requirements for qualifying features.

Results of research: the content of the requirements for legally significant signs is disclosed, which indicate a significant increase in the degree of public danger of a crime containing signs of the main composition, and therefore are used as qualifying signs in the norms of the Special part of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation. Proposals are formulated to improve the norms of the current criminal law in terms of the specifics of the use of qualifying features.

Yugra State University Bulletin. 2023;19(1):9-14
pages 9-14 views

Exemption from criminal liability in connection with compensation for damage (article 761 of the Criminal Code)

Podroykina I.A.


Subject of research: the norms of Russian criminal legislation regulating exemption from criminal liability in connection with compensation for damages, materials of judicial practice, the work of specialists devoted to the topic of the study.

Purpose of research: to develop scientifically sound proposals for improving the criminal law in terms of determining the types of exemption from criminal liability.

Methods and objects of research: the research is based on the dialectical method of cognition, the formal legal method, as well as methods of analysis, synthesis, induction and deduction. The object of the study is social relations arising in connection with the exemption from criminal liability on the basis of Article 761 of the Criminal Code.

Main results of research: author comes to the conclusion that Article 761 of the Criminal Code is built in violation of the rules of legislative technique, does not have a sign of consistency and each part of it (including the name) requires serious adjustments, which calls into question the very fact of its existence, proposes to exclude it from the criminal law, which will remove a number of disagreements in the theory of criminal law, which will remove a number of disagreements in the theory of criminal law, stabilizes the Criminal Code from rhe point of view of consistency, eliminating the rauncancy of legal regulation.

Yugra State University Bulletin. 2023;19(1):15-22
pages 15-22 views

Problems of qualification of murder by perfect group methods (item "G" part 2 of article 105 of the Criminal Code)

Sitnikova A.I.


Subject of research: is the criminal law prescriptions providing for responsibility for group methods of murder. In this regard, the article considers the problems of qualification of murders committed as part of a group, by a group of persons by prior agreement and by an organized group.

Purpose of research: is to improve law enforcement practice in terms of the qualification of murders committed by various group methods.

Methods and objects of research: the methodological basis of scientific research is the dialectical method used in conjunction with instrumental methods of cognition.

Main results of research: 1) the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation differentiated the infliction of death as part of a group into two methods of murder: joint infliction of death and causing death as a result of the addition of a second participant, 2) the resolution formulated two rules for qualification as part of a group of persons by prior agreement: in the form of co-execution and murder with the distribution of roles, 3) the highest court recommends to carry out the qualification of murder as part of an organized group as a co-execution, which does not comply with the qualification rules, formulated in Parts 3, 4, 5 of Article 34 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation.

Yugra State University Bulletin. 2023;19(1):23-28
pages 23-28 views

Features of the formation of traditions and customs in the criminal environment of penitentiary institutions

Khokhrin S.A.


Subject of research: the article discusses how traditions are formed in a criminal environment, how they influence convicts and how they contribute to the commission of penitentiary institutions.

Purpose of research: to get acquainted with the traditions and customs of the criminal environment, the conditions for their formation and the impact on convicts in the process of serving their sentences.

Methods and objects of research: the article uses such general scientific research methods as: generalization, analysis and synthesis, concretization.

Main results of research: it was determined that the main carriers, criminal traditions are professional criminals who most often commit repeated violations of the regime of detention or are persistent violators. The author believes that criminal traditions are a way of life of convicts, in which a criminal way of life is encouraged. Traditions regulate the order of relations among convicts, are corporate in nature and approve of violence against other convicts who are not members of criminal groups.

Yugra State University Bulletin. 2023;19(1):29-39
pages 29-39 views


Investigation of the consistency of changes in the wavelet phase characteristics of heliocosmic and climatic variables and changes in the components of the word water balance. Part 2

Alekseev V.I.


The relevance of research: is due to the need to establish true causes and patterns of changes in the hydrometric characteristics of the global water balance as a whole and its components, natural media on Earth.

Purpose of research: Establishment of patterns of mutual influences and causes of changes in the components of world water balance on Earth: settlement changes in thermal and water resources on the territory of sushi, clouds on continents, lake levels on continents, the Caspian Sea, Arctic Islands, Greenland and mountain glaciers.

Objects: Temporary series of heliocosmic and global climatic variables constituting a global water balance.

Methods of research: the method developed by the author of the calculation of the wavelet phase-frequency and phase-temporal characteristics of the group of the studied time series specified at equal intervals of time, with the calculation of their correlation matrices and the construction of the charts of the variables in two coordinate systems, comparative analysis.

Results of research: It is shown that in cyclical climate change on land, global water balance as a whole and its components in different relative units and phase orientations, depending on the properties of components of water balance, natural environments, two groups of variables are studying: Helicosmic (Baricenric Sun Movements, Solar activity, long-term solar insolation, greenhouse gases, ozone concentration in the ionosphere, elements of the Earth orbit, geomagnetic field) and global temperature climatic variables caused by changes in the helikosmic factors leading from which is the barycentric movements of the Sun. There is a variability of the water balance depending on their geographic locations on continents. It is shown that the calculated changes in thermal and water resources on the territory of the sushi, changes in clouds and levels of lakes on continents at the observed time intervals is significantly interconnected in the phase-frequency domain, coordinated with changes in the heliocosmic variables leading from which is the barycentric movements of the Sun. It is shown that the change in the level of Lake Rudolf, located in Kenya, occurs in antiphase with changes in other lakes from the phase-frequency domain due to changes in the level of the lake in antiphase with changes in evaporation, evaporation and precipitation – the calculated changes in thermal and water resources on land ; Such a phenomenon is observed in changes in Lake Neivasha (Kenya). Data analysis obtained at the East station in Antarctica, bottom sediments of the ocean, in 379.3-1.1 thousand years in the past, graphs of changes in the elements of the Earth orbit, established high consistency of changes in the Caspian level with changes in the angle of inclination, precession and eccentricity of the Earth orbits; In Holocene, agreed with changes in solar activity; coordinated with changes in earthquakes, the speed of rotation of the Earth and the duration of the earth's day, as well as the changes in YMO and the El-Niño phenomenon, with changes in evaporation and precipitation on land in the phase-frequency domain due to the influences of heliocosmic factors. It has been established that changes in the components of the water balance of the Arctic Islands, Greenland and the mountain glaciers are divided into two subgroups; The first includes changes in precipitation and drains, to the second, – changes in the resulting and increments of balance sheets. The components of the first subgroup are strongly agreed with the changes in the helixosmic factors, the second, – with changes in climatic variables with a negative sign in changes in the balances of the Arctic Islands and Greenland; The second subgroup in the balance of mountain glaciers is strongly agreed with changes in the helicosmic variables with a negative sign in the phase-frequency domain in the observed inter. In changes of phase-temporal characteristics of groups of factors are observed lattice structures of differently and unidirectional changes of variables, characterizing stochastic variability in natural environments.

Yugra State University Bulletin. 2023;19(1):43-59
pages 43-59 views

Investigation of heat transfer in a porous material based on triply periodic surfaces of minimal energy

Eremin A.V., Zinina S.A., Johnson O.O.


The subject of research: is a mathematical model of thermal conductivity in a porous flat wall, the structure of which is based on the three times periodic minimal Sean surface I-WP(TPMS).

The purpose of research: to study the course of the heat conduction process in a porous plate at a given porosity. At the same time, the material from which the porous plate is made is PETG plastic.

Methods of research: in this work, the solution was carried out by the finite difference method in the Mathcad software.

Results of the research: temperature distributions were obtained along the spatial coordinate and in time, as well as the distribution of heat flow in time depending on the change in the plate porosity coefficient.

Yugra State University Bulletin. 2023;19(1):60-66
pages 60-66 views

Using the ordinalist approach in assessing the functioning of the regional system for cleaning up polluting atmospheric emissions

Kutyshkin A.V.


Subject of research: is the functioning of the regional system of the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug – Yugra (KhMAO–Yugra) for the treatment of emissions from stationary sources of harmful substances into the atmosphere (RSOV) for the period from 2012–2020.

Purpose of research: to develop, based on the ordinalist approach, a complex indicator – a non-linear dynamic standard for assessing the effectiveness of the functioning of the RSOW based on a systematic analysis of its functioning.

Methods of research: an ordinal approach in the formation of a non-linear dynamic standard from indicators that characterize the functioning of the system under consideration. The latter is presented as a generalized enterprise (GE), aggregating all subdivisions of enterprises in the region associated with the purification of emissions from harmful substances into the atmosphere.

Main results of research: it was found that the greatest impact on the effectiveness of the GE is the lack of production capacities in the region for the purification of emissions from harmful substances into the atmosphere. This is confirmed by the statistical data for the specified period on the lack of commissioning of the corresponding new facilities and facilities. The obtained assessments of the effectiveness of the functioning of the RSOV were compared with the assessment of the environmental situation in the region for this type of pollution, obtained on the basis of the «decoupling» method, which operates with variables similar in structure.

Yugra State University Bulletin. 2023;19(1):67-76
pages 67-76 views

Determination of invariant characteristics for digital image and their calculation in the MatLab system

Samarina O.V., Samarin V.A.


Subject of research: single-channel digital image, second-order invariants to movements and stretching.

Purpose of research: to determine a new group of invariants of a single-channel digital image with respect to shifts, rotations and stretching.

Methods and objects of research: the object of research is single-channel images. The developed computational algorithms are based on the complex use of analytical and geometric research methods, the theory of invariants and wavelets.

Main results of research: a computational scheme for determining the group of invariant characteristics with respect to such digital image transformations as shifts, rotations and stretching has been developed.

Yugra State University Bulletin. 2023;19(1):77-82
pages 77-82 views

New materials and technology

Research and development of artificial muscles made of nylon fishing line for robots based on lever mechanisms

Davydov E.A., Krymova V.N., Khabibullin F.F.


Subject of research: two types of artificial muscles made by secondary spiralization from nylon fishing line with cross-sectional diameters of 1.2 millimeters and 0.5 millimeters, which can be used in the manufacture of robots based on lever mechanisms, as well as in other mechanisms and systems as propellers.

Purpose of research: to highlight the advantages and disadvantages of each type of artificial muscles obtained by secondary spiralization from nylon fishing line of different diameters.

Methods and objects of research: the article analyzed the method of manufacturing an artificial muscle. A method of measuring the maximum possible lifting weight of the load has been experimentally found. The operating temperature conditions for an artificial muscle made of nylon fishing line and sufficient weights of loads for the successful functioning of an artificial muscle made of nylon fishing line of various cross-sectional diameters were selected by an experimental method.

Results of research: the results of tensile tests were carried out and analyzed. The numerical difference of the lifted weight relative to the proper mass of the spiral is calculated.

Yugra State University Bulletin. 2023;19(1):85-94
pages 85-94 views

Express-diagnostics of the properties of ЫРЫ materials using chrono-topographic analysis of thermal vision data

Dolmatov A.V., Gulyaev P.Y.


Subject of research: the article is devoted to the development of a methodology for express diagnostics of material properties based on the measurement of macrokinetic parameters of the SHS process.

Purpose of research: plotting the dependence of the microhardness of SHS products on the propagation velocity of the SHS wave and its temperature.

Methods and objects of research: the research objects were the SHS process in the Ni-Al system and the reaction products; To measure the propagation velocity of a high-temperature synthesis wave, an original method of chrono-topographic analysis of thermal imaging data was used; temperature control was carried out by an original method of spectral-brightness pyrometry. The study of the microhardness of experimental samples was carried out using an FM-800 microhardness tester.

Main results of research: in the course of experimental studies, it was shown that the error in determining the propagation velocity of the SHS wave by the method of chrono-topographic analysis of thermal imaging data is 0.1 %, and the error in temperature measurement by the method of spectral-brightness pyrometry is estimated at 0.5 %. It is concluded that the main factor influencing the total error in the SHS wave propagation velocity in the experiment is the inaccuracy of setting the charge parameters for a set of samples. The absolute value of the total error was 3.2 %. A diagnostic trajectory has been constructed that makes it possible, based on the SHS propagation rate and reaction temperature, to evaluate the microhardness of the product and draw a conclusion about the quality of charge preparation for the production of a material with desired properties.

Yugra State University Bulletin. 2023;19(1):95-103
pages 95-103 views

Technology and properties of modified wood for low-rise construction

Kuznetsova I.N., Gromov S.A.


Subject of research: the article considers a relatively new material for low-rise construction – modified wood – solid wood with directionally altered physical properties, the natural properties of which are improved as a result of the use of modern woodworking technologies.

Purpose of research: to consider the technology of obtaining modified wood for low-rise construction with increased operational properties.

Methods and objects of research: hardwood – birch, wood from hard-to-feed conifers – pine; the proposed technology for producing modified wood allows you to obtain a new material with indicators corresponding to hardwood, due to through impregnation of the log with a modifier – an aqueous solution of carbamide.

Main results of research: the technology of obtaining modified wood increases its operational properties, when drying modified wood, the moisture content of wood decreases to 8 %, the content of carbamide in wood after impregnation is up to 8-10 %, density – 700-730kg/ m3, strength – 100-123MPa, during the pressing process, the height of the bars of modified wood decreases to 40 %, while the transverse dimensions of the bars of modified wood remain the original.

Yugra State University Bulletin. 2023;19(1):104-110
pages 104-110 views

Effect of technological parameters of the process of pulsed magnetron sputtering on the structure and phase composition on TiN-based coatings

Soshina T.O., Mezentseva D.S.


Subject of research: coatings based on TiN deposited by pulsed magnetron sputtering have been studied.

Purpose of research: is to establish the effect of technological parameters of the process of pulsed magnetron sputtering: the discharge current and the N2 content in the vacuum chamber on the structure and phase composition of coatings based on TiN.

Methods and objects of research: the phase composition and structural characteristics of the TiN-based coating were studied in the course of X-ray diffraction and X-ray phase analysis of coatings. The microstructure of the formed coatings based on TiN was studied using scanning electron microscopy. The object of the study were samples of VK6 hard alloy with TiN coatings.

Main results of research: it has been established that the magnitude of the discharge current has the greatest influence on the formed structure of the TiN coating. An increase in the content of N2 and the discharge current leads to a change in the phase composition and the formation of a single-phase coating based on the (111) c-TiN cubic phase with an increase in the degree of texture of the coating. The optimal values ​​of technological parameters are determined at which a coating based on the c-TiN phase is formed, with a minimum level of internal stresses, the smallest grain size, and a dense, columnar structure.

Yugra State University Bulletin. 2023;19(1):111-119
pages 111-119 views


Study of the quality of electric power in electric networks with semiconductor converters

Antonov A.I., Rudy D.Y., Khatsevsky K.V.


At present, semiconductor converters have found wide application in the electric power industry [6]. One of the most common semiconductor converters is a frequency converter, as it provides a three-phase voltage with adjustable frequency from a three-phase mains voltage. However, it, like other semiconductor converters, is the cause of the appearance of harmonics and, as a result, the non-sinusoidal shape of the voltage curve [1]. Harmonics are the cause of such negative effects in the electrical network as concomitant heating of the windings of motors, transformers, etc., false alarms in distribution networks, asymmetry in industrial networks with three-phase sources when harmonics occur in one phase, the occurrence of noise in communication networks, the influence on adjacent low-current and power cables due to the induced EMF, and also with the appearance of harmonics, there is a need to increase the cross section of neutral wires due to the summation of harmonics multiple of the 3rd in three-phase networks [3]. Therefore, the study of the harmonic components of the voltage is an urgent task.

Subject of research: processes occurring in electrical networks with a frequency converter.

Purpose of research: to identify the presence of harmonic voltage components in electrical networks with a frequency converter.

Object of research: a research stand that simulates the operation of electrical networks with a frequency converter.

Methods of research: in the process of performing research, scientific and technical generalization of literary sources on the initial prerequisites for research, methods of the theoretical foundations of electrical engineering and the theory of electrical networks, the method of analytical research, methods of system analysis were used. Experimental studies were carried out by a complex method using the Resurs-PKE device.

Results of research he study: based on the studies carried out, it was shown that the frequency converter is a source of harmonic voltage components, while harmonics appear only in certain sections of the electrical circuit.

Yugra State University Bulletin. 2023;19(1):123-130
pages 123-130 views

Determination of the maximum allowable active powerflow in the section taking into account the thermal conditions of power transmission lines

Vas'kovskaya A.V., Shepelev A.O., Shepeleva E.Y.


Subject of research: This paper assesses the possibility of introducing into the task of calculating maximum and emergency allowable active power flow, taking into account the thermal modes of overhead lines when planning electric power regimes.

Purpose of research: determine the effect of thermal processes in power lines on the maximum allowable active power flow in controlled sections of electric power systems.

Methods and objects of research: Such factors influencing active power flow as ambient air temperature, which is currently corrected by the Russian Power System Operator, wind speed, solar radiation and direct heating from flowing current are considered. Simulation of steady state flow in the software package RastrWin3 and Mathcad for a 2-bus scheme with mode only taking into account the ambient temperature and the calculations of steady state flow were already taking into account variations in weather parameters, taking into account possible restrictions on the maximum load due to the modes of operation of the power system (technical feasibility generating equipment was not taken into account in the work under consideration).

Main results of research: the result of calculation, it is clearly seen that when taking into account the thermal conditions of overhead power lines, the allowable active power flows differ by 16–26 % from the values determined only when taking into account the ambient temperature.

Yugra State University Bulletin. 2023;19(1):131-138
pages 131-138 views

Identification of single-phase ground faultin networks 6-35 kV using the wavelet transform

Dolgikh N.N., Osipov D.S., Paramzin A.O.


Subject of research: methods for selective determination of an outgoing line with a single-phase earth fault based on the relative measurement of higher harmonics.

Purpose of research: to develop a method for software filtering of high-frequency components and a method for identifying a line with a single-phase ground fault.

Object of research: distribution networks 6-35 kV.

Methods of research: wavelet-transformation of zero-sequence currents and voltages.

Main results of research: the article proposes the idea of using the wavelet transform to organize software filtering of the zero-sequence current in order to increase the sensitivity of the admittance protection. On the basis of the wavelet transform, a modernization of the algorithm for determining a power line with a single-phase earth fault is proposed according to the principle of relative measurement of the energy of the spectrum of higher harmonics. The paper proposes to determine the energy of the spectrum by the wavelet coefficients of the discrete wavelet transform.

Yugra State University Bulletin. 2023;19(1):139-146
pages 139-146 views

Calculation of resonant modes in electric networks in case of sources of higher harmonics

Oshchepkov V.A., Logunova J.Y.


Subject of research: resonant modes in electrical networks 35/6/0.4 kV of oil producing enterprises.

Purpose of research: calculation of frequencies at which the occurrence of resonant modes is possible, determination of the multiplicity of overvoltages in the nodes of the electrical network.

Object of research: distribution electrical networks 35/6 kV, groups of non-linear electrical receivers 0.4 kV, which are sources of harmonic distortion.

Main results of research: a method for calculating resonant modes in the presence of sources of higher harmonics is presented. The frequencies at which the occurrence of resonances is possible are determined; for each voltage class, the multiplicity of arising overvoltages is determined. Physical measurements of non-sinusoidality levels were carried out using certified equipment. Based on a comparison of the calculation results and the actual level of higher harmonics in the electrical network, a technically sound decision is made to install filter-compensating devices to suppress higher harmonics and prevent an emergency.

Yugra State University Bulletin. 2023;19(1):147-155
pages 147-155 views

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