Vol 15, No 1 (2019)

Cover Page

Criminal law policy in the field of combating crime

Mechanism of legal regulation and criminal legal impact: the ratio of doctrinal and practicaland implementation principles

Avdeev V.A., Avdeeva O.A.


The subject of the research is the mechanism of criminal law regulation, taking into account international life implemented in the context of globalization and increasing the efficiency of the criminal law policy of the Russian Federation.

The purpose of the study is to disclose the content, structural elements and stages of the mechanism of criminal law regulation. Attention focuses on the effectiveness of the mechanism of criminal law regulation, the methodological basis of which is formed by a combination of legal regulation on the basis of the doctrinal principles of law and practice and implementation activities.

The main results of the research reflect the problems of implementation of the mechanism of criminal law regulation at the legislative and law enforcement levels. Conclusions are formulated regarding the structural elements and key stages of the implementation of the mechanism of criminal law regulation, including the scientific rationale for criminalization (decriminalization) and penalization (depenalization).

Scientific and practical substantiation of criminal law policy and legislative processes, optimization of the implementation of criminal law are noted as a fundamental direction.

Yugra State University Bulletin. 2019;15(1):7-14
pages 7-14 views

Social-legal analysis and efficiency of measures applied o counteract corruption crime in local government bodies

Anisimov V.F., Lapshin V.F.


According to official statements, corruption crime in Russia is one of the threats to national security. Therefore, over the past ten years, a significant number of regulations have been adopted that regulate the procedures for countering crime in both state and municipal service.

The paper presents an analysis of the complex of anti-corruption measures that are implemented in relation to state and municipal servants, as well as persons applying for the posts of state and municipal service. Currently, the developed anti-corruption measures are a complex of economic, social, organizational and other means implemented in the field of law-making, coordination of interaction between the authorities and management, personnel activity and public control.

The effectiveness of the anti-corruption impact will be achieved only under the condition of a cardinal revision of the rules for the distribution and use of national income, the abandonment of the overdevelopment ideology, regardless of the source of its receipt, and each member of society understands the need to combat corruption as one of the most dangerous social phenomena.

Yugra State University Bulletin. 2019;15(1):15-22
pages 15-22 views

Competitive intelligence as a factor of warnings crime

Tryncevski Y.V., Yesayan A.K.


In the article the subject of the research are the methods of competitive intelligence; the conditions of companies; the conditions of the competitive environment of companies. Actual is the theoretical analysis of the concept and objectives of competitive intelligence. This activity becomes a powerful tool for market research. Competitive intelligence is currently a rapidly developing discipline (profession), which arose at the intersection of economics, law and special disciplines. Competitiveness and efficiency of company is a key factor. This factor determines the level of living of citizens, the public good. Competition is a necessary condition and the most important way of effective business.

The aim of the research is to develop terminology, formulation of features and essence of competitive intelligence, which is recognized as a special kind of activity in a competitive environment.

Research methods – critical analysis, content analysis, comparative law.

Conclusions in the article: the concept and signs of competitive intelligence, purposes, principles, sphere and form of competitive intelligence. It is noted that competitive intelligence is the process of collecting, accumulating, handling and analyzing information on the internal and external environment of companies. Characteristics of competitive intelligence: focusing on the external business environment rather: accumulating information and transforming it into intelligence that can be used by the organization. Unlike illegal industrial espionage, competitive intelligence is a legal and ethical business practice.

Yugra State University Bulletin. 2019;15(1):23-30
pages 23-30 views

About individual aspects of the development of the institution of punishment in the criminal code of RSFSR 1960

Rozenko S.V.


The article analyzes the conceptual aspects of the development of the institution of criminal punishment established by the Criminal code of the RSFSR in 1960 as a criminal act of the Soviet state, which formulated a new content of the institution of punishment based on the principles of Soviet law. Fixing in the Criminal code of the RSFSR of 1960 of punishment is a consequence of final refusal of measures of social protection in the Soviet criminal law. Punishment was defined not only as punishment for the committed crime, but also pursued the purposes of correction and re-education of convicts in the spirit of honest attitude to work, accurate execution of laws, respect for the rules of socialist community, as well as prevention of committing new crimes by both convicts and other persons. In the criminal code of the RSFSR was established a systematic list of types of criminal penalties; defined the rules of sentencing and release from punishment. This systematization of the measures of criminal repression used by the Soviet state was carried out in the form of outlining the types of punishments from the most severe to the milder, some of which were borrowed from other branches of law.

Yugra State University Bulletin. 2019;15(1):31-37
pages 31-37 views

Math modeling

Training algorithms for convolutional neural networks

Bredikhin A.I.


In this article we consider one of the most used classes of neural networks – convolutional neural networks (hereinafter CNN). In particular, the areas of their application, algorithms of signal propagation by CNN and CNN training are described and the methods of CNN functioning algorithms implementation in MATLAB programming language are given. The article presents the results of research on the effectiveness of the CNN learning algorithm in solving classification problems with its help. In the course of these studies, such a characteristic of the neural network as the dynamics of the network error values depending on the learning rate is considered, and the correctness of the algorithm of learning convolutional neural network is checked. In this case, the problem of handwritten digits recognition on the MNIST sample is used as a classification task.

Yugra State University Bulletin. 2019;15(1):41-54
pages 41-54 views

Algorithm of the quantitative assessment of concentration of substance on the basis of the digital image

Korotkov M.G.


In operation the attempt to develop the algorithm allowing to receive according to the digital image of the marks (spots) on a surface of a thin sorbent left by solutions of one substance of different concentration the quantitative dependence of volume concentration of substance in solution from image parameters is made.

Yugra State University Bulletin. 2019;15(1):55-58
pages 55-58 views

About the influence of the forces of interaction between the droplets on the dynamics of emulsion

Pronkina T.V.


The dynamics of deposition of compound droplets of the emulsion under the action of gravity is investigated. The interaction of the droplet with its inclusion is taken into account. Axisymmetric and asymmetric problems of deposition of compound droplets are considered. Expressions for the relative and absolute velocities of the compound emulsion droplets are found. Based on numerical modeling, the trajectories of the relative and absolute motion of the droplets are obtained.

Yugra State University Bulletin. 2019;15(1):59-65
pages 59-65 views

Agent-based model the urban dynamics using gis-technology

Semenov S.P., Slavsky V.V., Tashkin A.O.


The aim of the work is to develop a computer model of the dynamics of the city, using combined technologies: agent approach, methods of system dynamics and GIS technologies. The computer model can be used as a tool to support decision-making in the management of urban systems. The conceptual model of the city dynamics and the technology of its implementation in AnyLogic environment are presented, as well as the study of  the impact of  changes in the level  of comfort of areas on the dynamics of the city population.

Yugra State University Bulletin. 2019;15(1):66-71
pages 66-71 views

New materials and technology

Precision measurement of the velocity of propagation SHS wave by the method of chrono-topographical analysis

Dolmatov A.V., Gulyaev P.Y.


The paper presents the capabilities of the chrono-topographical analysis method for studying the discrete nature of the propagation of the SHS process on the scale of the combustion source and the reaction cell. Using the approach of chrono-topographic analysis, thermal imaging studies of the microheterogeneous combustion mode in  the Ni-Al system were carried out. The regularities of the dynamics of individual foci in the SHS wave are revealed. Using chronographic maps of the SHS process, it is shown that there are two types of foci in the combustion wave, which differ in the nature of the propagation dynamics. On the scale of the reaction cells in the experiment, the relationship of the combustion dynamics with the moments of the formation of new reaction sites was studied. According to the results, it was concluded that an increase in the heat deficit in microheterogeneous combustion regimes leads to an i ncrease in the dispersion of the resulting product. This work was supported by the Russian Foundation for Basic Research in research projects No. 18-08-01475, 18-08-01152, as well as grant No. 13-01-20 / 28 "Leading Scientific School of Yugra State University".

Yugra State University Bulletin. 2019;15(1):75-81
pages 75-81 views

Desing of optical chemosensors for detection of cyanide ions in water environments

Kudrevatykh A.A., Klimenko L.S., Martyanov T.P.


Molecular interactions with various anions in the form of tetrabutylammonium salts in DMSO and DMSO-aqueous mixture were studied spectrophotometrically. It turned out that the solutions of 1-hydroxy-2-acylaminoanthraquinones in DMSO, originally yellow, became dark purple with the addition of cyanide, fluoride, phosphate, and acetate ions. The addition of other salts did not cause changes in the absorption spectra. When switching to aqueous DMSO, a contrasting color change in the solution was observed only with the addition of the cyanide ion. The stability constants of the complexes and the metrological characteristics of the processes were determined. On the basis of 1hydroxy-2-benzoylaminoanthraquinone, colorimetric “test strips” were made and tested for the detection of CN-ions in an aqueous medium.

Yugra State University Bulletin. 2019;15(1):82-87
pages 82-87 views

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